Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ayvazian and Blanchard: Being an Ally QUOTES

     The articles Combating Intentional Bigotry and Inadvertently Racist Acts by Blanchard and Interrupting The Cycle of Oppression by Ayvazian are perfect for ending this semester on social justice. Now that we've learned how systems of oppression work to keep people "in their place", learning how to break down those walls to free the oppressed and to "crack the glass" gives the semester a solid sense of closure and a feeling of personal accomplishment as a student.
     Blanchard discusses how people who are either totally uneducated on racism or have never had a racial encounter are bound to, well, say something stupid from time to time when they're finally in a situation with people of other races. He believes that people who make unintentional racist slip-ups only do so because they simply don't know any better. They shouldn't be punished or reprimanded, but instead addressed about what they did, informed about why it is unacceptable, and asked to handle the situation differently next time. He feels there is a distinct difference between someone who is intentionally trying to oppress someone by making racist comments, and someone who is doing it unknowingly. "The prohibitions often embrace both the intentional behavior of the committed bigot and the careless behavior of those inexperienced with racial contacts." I agree with his views on this conflict, and feel it can be applied to all aspects of social justice. When in the presence of a "committed bigot", it is very important to stand up and be an ally even if there is risk involved, and even if you think the person will not change their ways. However, because the careless person doesn't understand what they're saying or doing, when you recognize that situation, I feel that it is even more imperative to take responsibility to enlightening that person, otherwise you are allowing it to continue.
     Blanchard also talks about how it needs to be a law that racial comments and harassment not be allowed in the work place, home, or in public, just the same as sexual harassment. He states, “Unfortunately, the federal and state regulations that define and bar racial harassment are neither as articulate nor as encompassing as those governing sexual harassment. Until state and federal rules barring racial harassment recognize how seemingly less-odious behaviors can accumulate to produce an atmosphere of intimidation, codes of conduct that rely on them will restrain only the most flagrant forms of attack.” This is to say that if it is not made illegal for a person to act upon their racist beliefs in any form, that only when people physically harm and kill others because of racial differences, will anything be done against it legally. Sexual harassment is illegal because it not only leads to acts of sexual violence, but because it is socially unacceptable, and people who are victims of even the most "harmless" verbal sexual harassment feel uncomfortable and in physical danger. Is the same not true of racism? Do people who are victims of racist words not feel like they are in danger? Shouldn't there also be inclusive laws making racism socially unacceptable?
     Ayvazian shows us how to be allies and to actively fight these harmful words and oppressors. She says that if in a situation of social injustice you find yourself having traits that are dominant over the injustice at hand, there is a great opportunity for you to be successful is changing the situation. “When we consider the different manifestations of systematic oppression and find ourselves in any of the categories where we are dominant – and therefore receive the unearned advantages that accrue to that position of advantage – we have the potential to be remarkably powerful agents of change as allies.” As we discussed in class and as Blanchard also stated, if you're witnessing an act of social injustice and you do nothing, you are allowing it to continue and letting the oppressor gain strength in their beliefs. They will assume that everyone agrees with them and that they are right. It is important to show people how you feel and express your opinions when you disagree on any subject, but it is crucial to do so when others' comfort and safety is at risk. Ayvazian defines ally behavior so well: “Allied behavior means taking personal responsibility for the changes we know are needed in our society, and so often ignore or leave others to deal with.” If people don't take the risk of standing up for what they know in their hearts is right, then they are abandoning their own beliefs and rendering themselves ineffectual. If you know that a person being bullied or oppressed is worth taking a risk for, and if you know that you are a worthwhile human being, then you shouldn't be afraid to utilize your power for change! Be an ally! Its worth it!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Event 2: URI Honors Colloquium on International Healthcare

Living in South Kingstown and having to commute 40minutes to RIC everyday is indeed tiring, but getting to live near the URI campus has proved to be an awesome resource for my education, especially for this class! Earlier this semester I attended a URI Honors Colloquium presentation where Dr. Joia Mukherjee, Medical Director for Partners in Health, was presenting on public health, and how important it is to provide better and more accessible healthcare internationally. She made a huge point about how with America’s advances in medical technology and our capability to help others around the world without such advantages, that healthcare needs to be better recognized as a basic human right. I can’t see how anyone could know that a huge percentage of the world’s population simply doesn’t have any access to healthcare, know exactly what they need, and still refuse to help. Luckily, there are some pretty amazing people who recognize that fact, and are willing and passionate about making their life purpose to help these people that are so often forgotten or ignored.
Dr. Muhkerjee has completely dedicated her life to working in Peru, Uganda and Haiti to not only help cure and prevent diseases, but to also ease the burden that disease has on a community. She emphasized that bringing health care to places where there is none, where disease outbreaks kill and infect people everyday, has to be locally practiced, but globally funded. In some of the examples she gave about HIV/AIDS, cholera, and drug resistant TB outbreaks present in the poorest countries on earth, it was hard to hear about all people that were completely aware of it happening, yet were reluctant to help because of the “cost”. This absolutely blows my mind because the cost in terms of money that programs like Partners in Health need to make the necessary changes, couldn’t possibly amount to the physical and emotional cost that these diseases have on not only the individual person afflicted with disease, but on the local communities and global communities. She mentioned that in Peru in 1994, one of the leaders there actually said that because of how expensive treatment would be to cure one patient from drug resistant TB, approximately $30,000 each, that “the poor people are just going to have to die”. For a leader of a country to say that about the fate of their citizens is incredibly disturbing and irresponsible. It is a global responsibility to provide aid and treatment to all humans, and the belief that allowing people to die is the only way to fix a problem is simply a failure of imagination and a complete lack of effort and concern.
After what we’ve learned in class about feminism and social justice this semester, I’m so glad that as I can look back on this presentation and have it mean so much more to me. As someone who will be educated in nursing and working on relief efforts, I can look at this as an issue of healthcare, but as someone who is learning to be an ally for social justice, the whole picture becomes so much clearer. These issues simply cannot be ignored!